Friday, October 9

Experience Review 1

5/10-9/10/09 (week 1)

The first (5/10) day I went for training in Vsign, I met alot of staffs there . This is the first time I work in such a big community.

In order to learn or to ask, I have to talk with them and make friends with them so that I can learn more stuff from them. Therefore, the first challenge I met there was to learn how to communicate and interact with my colleuges. At first, I was trying to understand hows their personalities are and then gradually we build up our friendship.

Due to the design task has to go throungh a group of marketing staff in the company, communication between designer and sales person is essential. Therefore I was exposed to the environment which is whenever recieved a job brief from a sales staff, I have to comfirm the information such as the type of design, size, design requirement and dateline with him/her. In any case of emergency or difficulties, I have to keep communicating with sales person or experienced staffs.

Besides, I learnt how to meet client's requirement. Sometimes, they have requested what to put but sometimes they don't. Therefore, I have to keep trying repair in order to meet the requirements. Sometimes we don't get what client's want and even if you got it you may not understand what they want. So always pay attention on when they are giving orders and ask immediately if we really don't understand. Printing visual is a must after finishing the design/before output. It does as a reference for sales person and client so that they can check for the design and pointed out the mistakes immediately.

After confirming the design, it is ready to be sent for output (burn the output files and linked files into a CD). But, there is possibility to be returned for any changes if client request. Usually, those output CDs are in charge by a girl in the company before going to the production because she is gonna give direction to the production on printing size, types, quantity and she has to make sure it meet the dateline also (what a tiring work).

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